“But do you really have dental experience?”

We sure do.

We are a small and highly specialized translation provider. It was back in 1984 when translator Per N. Dohler, who still runs Triacom and handles many translation jobs personally, produced a professional dental translation for the first time. Our archive still knows exactly what that article was: Pollack RL, Kravitz E, Litwack D: “Nutrition and periodontal health,” originally published in Quintessence International.

Since then, we have continuously translated technical and clinical articles, textbooks, storyboards for videos and animations, localized dental software, and handled a lot of patient information — not to mention a deluge of marketing materials and technical documents of all kinds for dental manufacturers small and large that would quickly exceed your scrolling patience.

Our translations have been published in more than 50 English- and German-language journals in Germany, the US, the UK, and other countries. French, Italian and Spanish articles have also been published. We probably don’t know about all of them, but the number of publications we do know about exceeded 1,900 in 2021.

More about “our” journals


So far, about 100 of our book translations have been published. In the beginning they were mostly monographs related to different dental specialties. Since 2006, we have concentrated mainly on the ITI Treatment Guides. For these, we do linguistic editing and copyediting, and then translate them into German and, starting in 2010, into several other languages.

More about “our” books


For a well over a decade, we have also been working with “motion pictures.” We have translated storyboards, scripts and on-screen text for about a dozen video titles, mostly clinical visuals. We would like to show some of the results here, but unfortunately this is not possible, for legal reasons.



We are very excited about translating the texts and supporting materials for the Cell-to-Cell Communication series of animated videos. This series aims to showcase biomedical processes in the field of oral and maxillofacial surgery in the form of truly spectacular 3D animations, prepared (and translated) in two separate versions for a specialist audience and interested lay people. Published by Quintessenz Publishing.

More about “our” videos